Project summary
H-RayTracer will be fully customizable and configurable raytracer written in C++. H-RT is a research project aimed at comparing popular and less popular illumination models (especially light reflection models). Raytracer shall be able to work in Whitted's classic raytracing mode as well as in stochastic raytracing mode. The main emphasis is on the ability to generate images based on physical illumination models. The project is strictly educational and the main goal is to make the tool available for experiments.
Please note that the project is still in very early phase (planning and prototyping). However, It does output some visible results in the form of HDR image files. You can view sample image (1280x1024).
The latest version of H-RT is 0.1.0
Source code
You can use Subversion to get the latest version of H-RT or browse repository using ViewVC web interface. The URL to the SVN repository is:
Currently the project uses Visual C++ 2005 compiler, but it will probably compile with any recent C++ compiler. Makefiles for other compilers will be provided in the future.
The project is hosted on the servers. You can reach project's page at:
H-RayTracer is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
External code used in H-RT:
Many thanks to the authors!© 2006-08 Patryk Bajer. Contact: bayger at users dot sourceforge dot net.